How to wean cat off Prozac?

how to wean cat off prozac

‘Cat remains anxious and aggressive most of the time, but thanks to Prozac… it keeps my pet lively’, and after some months it turns out, ‘My cat won’t be normal without Prozac now… it seems that she has become an addict or something…’Well, you are right about it. Your feline friend has become an addict … Read more

Cerenia Alternative to Cats

cerenia alternative to cats

If your cat is a victim of nausea and a weak immune system, then you may have been prescribed a dose of cerenia by your veterinarian. This usually does the job for most cats, but in rare cases, side effects emerge for some cats. In this case, you need an alternative option that will fix … Read more

Prozac for Cats Urinating

prozac for cats urinating

Have you ever noticed that your cat has urinated elsewhere in the house rather than its litter box? If this has happened more than once, then chances are that your cat has a urinating problem. Many expert vets link this problem to having a behavioral problem, and medicine like Prozac is usually prescribed for behavioral … Read more

Why are My Cat’s Eyes Always Dilated?

Cat’s eyes are one of the most beautiful eyes to see in the entire animal kingdom. And feline lovers are fortunate enough to have the privilege to look at these cuties whenever they like. But have you ever thought about what is so different about the cat’s eyes? It is amazing to experience that cat … Read more

Kitten Won’t Poop When Stimulated

kitten wont poop when stimulated

Kittens often need their mother’s help to pass stool and urinate. This usually involves gently stimulating the kitten’s tummy or backside to ease its muscles from passing stool. But what should you do if your kitten won’t poop even when stimulated? Should you keep on stimulating or give it a few minutes break before trying … Read more

Cat not feeling well after Vaccinations

cat not feeling well after vaccinations

Depending on your cat’s age, your veteran may recommend a suitable vaccine for your feline friend. This is to keep your cat healthy and safe from unwanted diseases. However, you may notice your cat feeling lethargic and drowsy, that just means your cat is not feeling well after vaccination shot. Certain symptoms indicate sickness in … Read more

Cat-eye Infection Treatment Neosporin

cat-eye infection treatement neosporin

In general, when it comes to infection amongst cats, it can range from viral to bacterial. With the exposure of cats to the outdoors, socializing in the neighborhood, and even playing at home, one is prone to infectious encounters. This becomes a problem when the Cat-eye infection treatment Neosporin is catered. If not dealt with it at … Read more

Cat Losing Small Tufts of Fur

cat losing small tufts of fur

If your furry feline friend has started losing small tufts of fur all of a sudden, it can be alarming. Especially if the fur sheds in a big quantity, and leaves a trail when your cat walks around the house. There can be many reasons why your cat might lose its fur, and mind you, … Read more