Cat Wagging tail While Purring

One of the weird actions of your cat that might catch your attention would be ‘Cat wagging tail while purring’. You should be thinking that what they are doing and why they are doing. Well, there might be a number of reasons your feline is doing this like they are feeling joyful. But still, they always do such things to seek your attention. And they are born with this!

Let us enlighten this weird doing of theirs and know about what your furry friend has to say to you.

cat wagging tail while purring

What is a cat wagging tail while purring?

Well, cat wagging their tail while purring means that cat makes low continuous vibratory sounds and keep on shaking their tails to and fro.

Cats likely make contact with their tails. It is a common saying that a cat wagging their tails is expressing anger or dislike. Or show their interest.

All in all, cats express their emotions and feelings by wagging their tails and make different sounds.

What is meant by a cat wagging tail while purring?

There is not a single reason why your cat is wagging their tail and purring at the same time.

As explained earlier, cats like to communicate with their tail movement and purring.

As humans, they could not show their interest or feeling by speaking but use different body postures to explain their desire.

This can hold a thousand meanings, if you are interested, you can assess.

Not only wagging tail is important but…

Felines do not simply wag their tails. The way they wag them, what their body displays like while wagging and when they wave their tails also called “the fifth leg” all carry a particular meaning.

Deciphering the cat’s body language is some science with many unrequited questions.

Let us look for what tail expressions and purring mean and how they would help you be a good cat owner.

Wagging tail and Purring:

Though it is a belief that purring always means that a cat might be happy, and a wagging tail is always considered that a cat would be annoyed, this is not the case always.

The most observable moment is to know that how your cat is swishing their tail. This mostly explains their behavior at the best.

These two things can be explained separately for a better understanding. And then one can deduce a final thought on it.

Let us see what purring has to say about your feline’s nature.

A cat’s Purring:

Purring could be opted by your feline to express a variety of emotions and feelings.

Though it is followed by a common myth that, ‘happy cats purr’ but it is not something that could be stamped.

Common Reasons behind purring of a cat:

There are a number of reasons behind purring. Your feline might be feeling:

  1. Relaxed, Comfortable, and Happy:

A purring cat might be joyful. Like when normally humans scream with joy, the same could be the case with your feline.

The cats may make noises when happy and in a playful mood. They may purr when they are feeling relaxed and laying in their comfort zone.

You do not need to worry if your cat is purring. They might want to express their joy and happiness.

  1. Asking for Food:

Just the way an empty stomach makes noise, maybe your beloved pet is feeling hungry. That is why it is making the purring noise.

Begging for feed could be one reason for their purr. Feed your pet on time. They might not do that again. If you are out of cat food no worries there are alternatives.

  1. Seeking Attention:

Everyone is aware of the truth that cats are attention seekers. They want their owner’s attention at any cost. For that purpose, if they need to purr on you, they will do that.

They are sensitive creatures that are why they easily sort out that when they would purr, you would turn to them and entertain them with the attention, they want at that moment.

  1. Feeling scared and trying to calm down themselves:

Do not get offended if your beloved feline purr at you. There are thousands of reasons that they might be doing that.

One justification is also that maybe they are feeling scared and are trying to make themselves secure.

Purring might help them to calm down and feel normal. When they see danger, they would purr and warble.

To put out their fear, they would make sounds to pacify themselves.

This is your feline’s way to face the trouble by themselves and let it out through a wagging tail while purring.

  1. Purring in pain and opting for some Self-Healing:

Your cat might be purring in pain. Keep an eye on it. You can judge it by the look on their face too.

This purring is a way for them to tell you that might be feeling something that you are not realizing.

Purring might help them to not only tell what they feel but also is a way of self-healing in them.

Cats have their own ways to help themselves and deal with what they are going through.

  1. A guidance for its newborns:

Purring is a cat mommy way to guide its newborns. They are too small to listen to something else clearly.

The mommy cats purring is a manner that they can engage themselves in. Kittens do listen to the sounds their mommy cat makes and act accordingly.

  1. Purring helps in Muscle Relaxing:

Purring starts when a cat is young and remains throughout its life. It is not only a way to communicate but also helps them to keep their muscles relaxed and toned.

  1. A lesser number of injuries:

Purring might even aid in healing some injuries of your felines.

This is one of the reasons for the myth that cats own nine lives. That is why they get even lesser injuries even after they had a long fall than other creatures.

Felines even go through lesser complexities than other animals like dogs after surgeries or treatments, and this is also supported by their purring.

Purring is not related to only domestic cats. It is followed by other bigger varieties of cats which depicts that this felines sound has been opted also in the very past and has always been there in the history of cats.

The purring of your cat has been discussed and now let us talk about the tail wagging of the cats and this could help you get these two actions together.

A wagging Tail:

A tail movement can be considered for more of the cat’s mood detection. It is like a ‘fifth leg’ for your felines.

Observing the tail can help you a lot in getting your cat’s psyche.

Psyches of a wagging tail:

Some behavioral aspects that are mirrored by the wagging tail style and your cat’s moods are explained as follows:

  1. Flicking the ends of tail-A Happy Cat:

When cats are more involved in flicking the ends of their tails only, they are considered to be happy and excited.

Observers explain that this cat behavior is often seen when their cats are petted by owners, or when the caretaker walks in the house, or when you open the cat’s food around them.

Your tail-wagging at ends also mirrors that your cat wants your attention and to be petted or loved and tells you that it is happy with what’s going on.

Wagging and Purring:

It’s a way to show their happiness or excitement and might purr with joy too, explaining the purr with wagging.

If your cat is doing so, it is good fated that something happy is going to happen depending upon what is the current situation.

  1. A Greeting Tail- Elevated tail held upright:

Learning from the cues, when you come home and your cat does an uprise with the tails, they are greeting you, a way for them to ‘say hello’.

And when rising and flicking the ends are both involved, it clearly suggests that with the greetings, they are very happy and excited to see you.

This can be an interesting thing to notice. Now, whenever your cat approaches you when you come back, look for their tail greeting, as a cat owner, it will definitely amuse you!

  1. Hairs along with Tail and Spine of a cat standing Upright-A sign of Fear:

Wagging is fine but if the hairs along the tail end up upright with a straighten spine too, clearly your cat is in fear.

These erected hairs which are present along with the tails with the purring might depict the cat’s behavior as being fearful. This hair erect is called piloerection.

The Purr too:

And when you come across them, they might purr too.

Theory suggests that a cat is trying to put itself stronger than a potential enemy, so, their body and sound try to fight on their own to overcome the fears.

But it doesn’t mean that they have encountered a foreign agent. You can also be a reason to spook them!

  1. An Arched up Tail-The Aggressive Feline:

There is no doubt when a wagging tail is arched up, it is the best representation that the cat is being aggressive.

This can be easily spotted the tail is wagged, arched up in the upward direction, and will be curled towards the legs.

Accompanied by Purring:

This is not something your cat does out of fear. Followed by purring here too, this cleverish posture brought up by your cat, take it as a final warning before the attack.

Some cats are trickier. They might not reveal the posture till the end and attack you out of the blue.

But keep an eye on this tail posture, it might save you even at the last moment. Or either give you some time to Back Off!

  1. Gentle side to side swish-You are loved:

Further adding to it, swishing gently, and wrapping around tail around your legs and arms, and rubbing its head with you, will show their affection towards you.

A gentle grasp against you is a way to show their love for you.

Purr for attention:

If they purr too, do not be surprised because they also want your attention! This tail swishing and purring is a total indication to give love and seek attention.

They are comfortable with manners going on.

  1. Slowly Wagging tails-Let’s play and chat:

Hinting towards playing, slow, side to side swishing is another tail wag. Cats like wagging tails while playing.

This is their tact of showing amusement. Cats tail wag when playing with their toys or other things they love.

You will also observe that their tail will wage too when you try to talk to your feline. They exhibit the wagging tail while you talk to them, just another way of enjoyment for them!

I understand, *purrs* :

Oh yes, purr too to show the understanding.

  1. Twitching tail while Deep Concentration:

Your cat might wag slowly here and there when having a deep concentration for something. These quick and short glances are mostly seen when your feline is doing a ‘window hunt’.

They would sit on the window and stalk outside for some time while wagging the tail. This would be involved by their specific posture, referring to predation.

But do notice if the tail is fine or arched. Do not get to them if arched tail because they are not in a mood for your company.

  1. Cat wagging tail while lying down in pain:

Cats with sickness and injuries might wag their tails while lying down in pain to show the discomfort they are going through.

They, as a creature, cannot tell by speaking that I am not feeling well and want you to medicate me. You must look for some tail swishing while they are on the ground.

This is a definite sign of pain in them. So, you must be thoughtful enough as a good caretaker.

Get your feline to the vet and get it treated as soon as possible.

Intense pain-Purring:

Cats wagging their tails while lying down and also purr, represent the intensity of pain they are in. try to calculate your cat’s behavior by your instincts.

  1. A fast cat wagging tail while purring-Annoyed or Angry Cat:

As discussed, cats purr when are nervous or being fierce. So, if your cat is doing both actions that might catch your attention, it is better to let them have their moment and give them space.

Wagging tail accompanied by purring, do not give second thoughts to it. Your feline is clearly showing that they are not in a mood to engage or else you might get hurt.

Putting an End

Cats show such body postures because they are born with them. It is natural for them to do so to show their feelings and emotions.

The only thing is that they are just trying to communicate by their different body language with you.

As an owner, keep a close eye on what they do when playing, being happy or joyful. Look at the physical changes when in pain or sick.

This would help you better understand your feline’s normal or stressful behaviors, be prepared for the sick situation, and take them to the vet.

Also, will help you bond with them better than before. Till then, hope your felines keep their tails up!

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