Why does my Cat Eat Cobwebs?

A cat could be seen as a creature of strange habits, especially when it comes to eating. The cat eating weirdest stuff include cobweb making the cat parent wonder why does my cat eat cobwebs? The answer lies in the nutritional deficiency of the cat, making it chew down anything that it finds as a supplement to it.

why does my cat eat cobweb

Understanding why?

The cat is a carnivore and a creature that feeds on hunting. No matter even the cat is domesticated, it does not give up its instinct of hunting. The cat hunts all small insects alike, including ants, flies, moths, butterflies, and spiders. The cats attempt to hunt the spider get her into the web. The cat that is pretty much domesticated might not be in routine with eating these creatures. But at a time, it consumes the web to meet its nutritional deficiency or while shaking off the web.

Technically looking into the constituent of the web brings us to a mass of protein. Protein is a vital nutrient that runs most of the metabolic activities. If it somehow finds it deficient in the diet, it supplements it via sources like a cobweb. At times, the cat could be having a spider bite too, which is trouble. This can lead to swelling and some reactions owing to its malicious content. But a web poses no such threat.

The web is the least poisonous and has nothing toxic for the cat. Thus, if the big question is, why does my cat eat cobwebs keeps smashing one’s head? One can go through some valuable details below.

Why does my cat eat cobwebs? 

To unveil the query, why the cat is attracted to the cobweb at all. We have short-listed some essential things that might be triggering cat for such behavior.

  • These are primarily delicate criss-cross of protein structure, a hub of carbohydrates, and a cross-linked chain of amino acids. The constituents are harmless, and cats tend to have it to get themselves a protein boost.
  • One thing that can lead to its consumption of cobwebs is pica. That makes your cat have the non-edible item. Pica is explicitly seen among cats and also in other animals and humans too. It is linked to a deficiency in particular nutrients. Whenever you suspect that your cat is suffering from this disorder, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian for advice and getting the cat checked.
  • It is also possible that the cat gets into the web following a spider and gets covered in the sticky trap, the spider might run away, but the cat ends up covered in a net of web all over its body.
  • A cat might end up licking to put it off till it gets into it. Licking or eating a spider’s web is very unlikely to cause any harm to your cat. They are probably simply enjoying the new taste and texture sensation. If you feel worried about the cat’s eating habits, please do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian for advice. Bath your cat to wipe the web off and don’t use baby wipes for this purpose.

Summing up underlying cat’s cobwebs munching

Cat churning down, spider webs generally highlight following two prime reasons.

  1. Cat faces a nutritional deficiency and is attracted to cobweb, a net of protein.
  2. The cat suffers from pica and finds attraction in inedible stuff.

Let us see each reason in detail below:

Nutritional Value:

This might be new to people and may sound odd too. But the cat needs a specific supply of nutrition that meets some of the vital requirements of the body. Protein being one of them, helps control some crucial functions, including metabolism.

No matter how tasty or fancy the cat food is. The one lacking thorough nutritional supply makes cats crave for other stuff, cobweb being one of them.  Let us understand that what makes a mere web attractive for the cat. Cobweb is nothing but a network of spider’s secretion that accounts for protein in terms of the constitution.

These small amino acids that link to make up the protein are sources of underlying vital activities in a living system. The cat probably takes it as a nutritional source, fortifying its undergoing reactions and metabolism.

A cat finding protein deficiency in the diet is naturally attracted to other sources. This makes cats keep going to the habit of eating up some or most of the web available at their disposal.

What are the general dietary needs of the cat?

To cater cat’s web eating habit as a deficiency of protein. One needs to look into the dietary need of the cat. And make it sufficient for the cat to keep it getting attracted to any alternate sources. Any fancy or tasty food will be less attractive to the cat.

Compared to the one that supplies with good nutritional value as per the need of the cat. To better understand the cat’s dietary needs, we have broken it down into individual units of energy. Plus, a cat needs to absorb each nutrient as per its BMI and specific needs. The BMI value comes from facts, including the weight and age of the cat. Moreover, factors like the genetics and daily activity of the cat also account for its additional needs.

Here are some building blocks of life required by the cat. It sums up the need for a rounded-up cat diet, meeting the needs of an average healthy cat.

Fats & Protein

Fats account for essential fatty acids to keep up the absorption of vitamins, especially fat-soluble vitamins. It is crucial to allow a supply of energy and support the cell growth includes omega-3. In comparison, proteins supply the required mix of amino acids. It brings in the count of essential amino acids to derive energy for enzymes. And other underlying vital activities of organs. Cat typically switch to cobweb if its diet lack protein.

Minerals & Vitamins

Cat needs a whole list of minerals and vitamins, including vitamin A, B, C, and D. The two crucial minerals, calcium, and sodium, are essential for the health of bones and the proper functioning of vital organs like the heart. Also, muscles and nerves need minerals to function correctly. The cat reaches out to other sources like spiders and its web to meet the body’s needs. It also helps the boosting up the immune system, although no evidence backs it.


  • All the vital functions in the body need a solvent. The prime one being water. It keeps the cells hydrated and tasks in a due manner.
  • An exception here is that someone with prior knowledge of a balanced diet lacks carbohydrates in the list. It is odd, though, that the cat can function well in its absence. Provided the other items in the list are available.
  • Any missing content will shift the cat’s tendency to inedible stuff like a cobweb.

Watch out for Pica

Noticing cat with eating every other thing it comes across should hint pica. It is a condition where a cat tends to gulp down material that is not food material in real, cobweb in this case. If you see so, observe the cat verifying this behavior. One can manage it on its own or have that seen in a cat and have the vet make recommendations.

Some reasons that breed pica (cobweb eating) in the cat include:

  • Genetic issues with some cats inclining wool eating
  • Lacking some fun and being captured by boredom
  • Anemia which is low blood
  • Lacking proper diet or nutritional intake

Some symptoms that you can have to identify the pica are given below:

  • Having cat lethargic
  • Being weak and slow
  • Having constipation
  • Being nauseous or throwing around.
  • Or if pooping, being diarrheal or having loose one.

Dealing with feline pica

If the cat is into eating cobwebs, it is possible to have pica in the cat. Some tips that can help to cancel out or control pica in the cat include:

  • We are ensuring a good cat diet.
  • Try removing inedible stuff from the cat’s vicinity.
  • Making things less attractive to a cat that it likes munching
  • Supply cat with something edible and chewable, instead.
  • Add some fun to cats’ life; boredom gives rise to pica.
  • Last but not least, refer the vet for some workable solution or tools to break down the routine or habit of falling for inedible stuff.

Steps to be taken if your cat eats cobweb

The cat has no harm from cobwebs. Nothing serious happens to the cat. It is some protein that the kitty will be munching down. So one can take a sigh of relief at this point.

Yet, this is not appreciable. A cat munching down inedible stuff is not welcomed by the cat parent. Thus one keeps looking for ways to keep the cat from doing so. Below are list a few steps that one can cater in the provided scenario:

  •       Do not worry

If you fret with the cat consuming cobweb down its esophagus. You may wonder if it invites any trouble. The answer is no. Instead, many cat parents have presented this complaint. You are making it more of a regular thing with domesticated cats.

It will hardly call an emergency and can be sorted with some simple steps. It is just protein that the cat takes, and one can mend it by providing an alternate protein source. One can check a cat’s routine for eating and circumstances leading to eating inedible stuff.

  •       Take a good view of cat’s diet

As indicated in the last point, the cat eating cobweb is feeding its need for protein. The cat lacking the right portion of protein will require maintenance of protein.

One can need to keep an eye on the eating habit of the cat, revise the schedule. One can also refer a vet when the cat does not comply well with the provided food. The right portion, content, and routine will do the work.

Picking up the balanced diet serving each nutrient in the right portion may help. The cat having it served right in its bowl will never need to get back to the cobweb. For proteins, one can give a cat Purina Fancy Feast after discussing it with the vet.

  •  Get rid of cobwebs

Things like this cannot be ridden off straight away but require time to break off the habit.  Removing the webs from your place where the cat stays will be the first most thing to be done. Limit trips to storerooms or areas where it is likely to be found. Supervise cat to fields or otherwise to keep an eye on things it tends to consume.

  •       Check for Pica

Some cats can tend to eat inedible material. It may include a massive variety of stuff ranging from hair tails, plastic to the cobweb. The cat’s tendency for gulping any such thing marks for an underlying condition called pica.

One can handle it in many practical ways. You can keep the cat away from such materials or coat it with something bitter to make it less attractive for future consumption. One can also provide the cat with improved content of the diet. At least providing something the cat can chew on instead of web.

  •       Check with the vet

This is not an emergency and hardly ever will be, as established above. One can, however, still refer a vet. He is always in a better position to address behavioral and food tendencies with some quick workable suggestions.

Plus, this turns out to be the safest option, saving one of any trouble at all. Moreover, it can open up your way to any health, masked under the absence of symptoms and clinical signs.


Does eating cobweb brings any harm to the cat?

Nothing serious. Eating spider web appears gross, and something one abhors. The spider web is not toxic in general. No grave health issues or death risks occur. Instead, some underlying eating disorder or nutritional deficiency makes the cat do so. In case of seriousness, though, one can refer a vet.

Is there any issue with the cat-eating spider if not cobweb?

If the cat eats cobwebs or even a spider itself, it is no matter of concern. Only if the spider has venom within, it can bring trouble. However, if a spider bites the cat, while reaching out its web that might need some serious medical help.

How to keep the cat from eating cobwebs?

One simple thing that can be done is to remove the source. Getting rid of the web from places the cat has access. Moreover, one also needs to check the dietary needs of the cat. Some lacking in this instance could be a point of trouble. Least one can get the cat checked for pica and have the behavioral therapy done for the cat.

Do I need to check with the vet if my cat eats cobwebs?

Cat eating cobweb is generally not a severe issue. It hardly adds up to the toxicity or otherwise dangerous thing to the cat’s gut. However, it can be checked with the vet to understand why the cat tends to this habit and unveil conditions and behavioral circumstances, which lead to this very habit. Also in case of nutritional issues, the vet could guide better.

How to deal with feline pica?

A cat suspected of pica needs to see a vet. Yet, a few things that one can do at one end include the following:

  • Ensuring a good cat diet.
  • Removing inedible stuff from the cat’s vicinity.
  • Making things less attractive to a cat that it likes munching
  • Supply cat with something edible and chewable, instead.


A cat can be into strange habits. One such is chewing down anything it comes across. If you own one such cat and wonder why my cat eats cobwebs, the answer is easy. The cat’s dietary habits and psychological health might be the real trouble.

A cat falling short of diet, lacking protein in the food, and not having enough to suffice the hunger makes it do so. The spiders could be a source of protein. Thus cat feeds itself with this essential nutrient by biting a few spiders or its web.

Moreover, a cat with an issue of pica might come up with a disorder of eating. In this underlined issue, the cat goes for inedible items, including odd stuff like a spider web in this case. The solution lies in fulfilling the dietary needs of the cat. One can visit the vet in case of pica or any other eating disorders.

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