Out of cat food, What can I Feed My Cat?

Cats need to have a properly balanced diet before they can be active throughout the day. This would include having a good canned meal of wet or dry food, and a generous amount of water. But have you ever faced a shortage of cat food just at the exact time you had to feed your cat? If you’re out of cat food and looking to see what you can feed your cat that is safe for its consumption, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we are sharing the most suitable foods that you can feed your cat if you ever come across an insufficient supply of cat food.

out of cat food what can I feed my cat

What to do if you’re out of cat food

Running out of cat food suddenly is more common than you think, so keeping that in mind, don’t beat yourself about it too much.

Your feline friend will be just fine if you put together a properly balanced meal in front of it. (don’t worry, we will help you decide on this later in the article.)

Many cats enjoy different varieties of food and readily eat it when offered. You will be surprised to see how many different things are perfectly okay for cats to eat besides cat food.

So let’s see what these foods are.

Foods that are safe for your cats’ consumption

As much as we think these foods are good, and even healthy for your cat, take all advice with a grain of salt. Every cat is different, and what works for one cat may not work for another.

Many factors depend on whether your cat will enjoy a specific type of food, such as breed, age, and previous habits.

We do recommend having a quick chat with your vet before you decide to go for one of these food materials.

So, what foods are reasonable for your cat to eat?


Fruits are a blessing for us humans, but do cats feel the same way? Some cats do not quite enjoy the aroma and the flavor, but they may find some of them okay to eat.

Here are some fruits you can feed your cat:

  • Watermelon
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Strawberry
  • Blueberry

Since these fruits are rich in vitamins, they provide nourishment for your cat and help it stay active throughout the day.

You can feed fruits fresh, or freeze and blend them to form a thick mixture, then let your cat eat it.

Just be sure to remove any seeds from the fruit, peel it, and cut it into small bit-sized pieces so that it’s easier for the cat to digest, especially if it’s a small kitten. You don’t want them to choke!


Packed with vitamin C and other necessary nutrients, vegetables can be beneficial for cats to consume, given you feed them the right veggies.

The best vegetables for cats as recognized by vets are:

Some of these vegetables can be hard for your cat to chew and digest, so it is advisable to boil or steam them before serving.

Make sure you do not add any spices or seasonings to your cats’ veggies if your cat isn’t used to them as this can cause diarrhea and other gastronomical issues.


Fish is a cat’s best friend. It is also usually part of some of the canned cat foods your cat is used to eating and is (check the ingredients list on the can).

However, not every fish is suitable for your pet cat to eat. Those that are safe are as follows:

  • Tuna
  • Canned fish
  • Salmon
  • Sardine
  • Fish oil

FIsh are great for providing healthy fats that are great for the cat’s body. These also help keep the cat’s eyes and cardiac health under check.

However, too much fish is known to increase cholesterol in cats and even cause obesity. It can also cause a shortage of vitamin E in a cat’s body.

Therefore, it is advised to not make fish a regular part of your cat’s diet and only feed it in moderate amounts so your cat stays healthy.

Contact your vet to double-check how much fish is safe for your cat.

Dairy products

Dairy products are an important part of our lives, but what dairy products are safe for cats to eat?

Not so many, unfortunately. Here are some that your cat could potentially like:

  • Plain yogurt
  • Some cheeses (like cheddar)
  • Cottage cheese

Despite common belief, you should avoid giving your cat milk. The safest milk for cats is their mothers’ milk, otherwise, giving milk should be avoided completely.

Other types of cheese and products can cause an upset stomach for cats, so you should always take your vet’s advice before feeding such foods.

Moreover, all dairy products should be fed in moderation, especially to younger cats.

Meat items

Cats are attracted towards meat by nature, that is, their carnivorous nature. Meat contains a good amount of protein and fats, and while this is an essential part of your cat’s diet, can cause problems if ingested in excess.

Here are some of the proteins safe for your cat:

The best diet for a sick cat is boiled and unseasoned chicken with a side of rice. This meal also works well if you run out of cat food and have no options.

Your cat will probably love to eat these proteins. Just make sure to cook them well without any seasonings before plating them for your cat.

Besides, if you want to feed these items to your cat in their raw form, do consult a vet thoroughly so you are aware of the pros and cons well beforehand. Another thing that should be kept in mind is that if your cat is suffering from protein deficiency it could go for cobwebs.


Grains contain a lot of carbs and excess intake can cause chubbiness in your cat. Some cats even dislike eating grains but if you’re out of food and have nothing else to feed your cat, they will do just fine.

Some grains that your cat can eat:

  • Sweet corn
  • Carrots
  • Millet
  • Oatmeal
  • Rice
  • Wheat

Some of these grains might already be included in your cat’s canned food but in minimal quantities, which is fine for consumption.

Also, if you decide to feed your cat some of these grains, make sure you cook and mash them properly, so the texture is chewable and avoids the chances of your cat choking.

Things not to feed your cat

Cats can have severe allergic reactions and can even be affected by fatal diseases if you don’t take proper precautions while feeding human food.

Some of the foods you should be cautious of are:

Sugary products

For us, dessert is a treat, but for cats, they don’t even feel the taste!

That’s right, cats have very few taste buds as compared to humans, which is why they can’t taste many flavors. Moreover, chocolates and other types of sweets can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and even seizures in your cat.

It’s better to avoid such foods altogether.

Garlic or onions

These flavourful ingredients are not fit for cats, unfortunately. While you should avoid any kind of seasoning altogether, you should specifically steer clear of garlic and onions.

This is because these materials in any form can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and in severe cases, anemia as well.

Your cat should avoid contact with these ingredients altogether.


As mentioned above, milk should be avoided and so should other dairy products.

The only milk that is the safest for cats to consume is their mother milk back in the litter.

Cat’s have difficulty digesting milk, and this can lead to stomach issues later in their lifetime.

Raw Foods

Giving food in its raw form is not recommended, whether it is any kind of meat or even fish.

Raw meat is unsanitized and can contain life-threatening bacteria, which if the cat ingests, can take its life painfully. (worst-case scenario)

However, if you wash the meat thoroughly and consult your vet as well, then it should eliminate the unhygienic material and make it safer.

Cooked meat is always more preferable though.

Also, don’t forget to get rid of any extra fat pieces that are on beef or chicken when feeding because it will go store itself

Yeast Products

Anything containing yeast is a no-no for a cat’s diet. This includes any type of bread, buns, especially if it’s in its raw form.

Bread is argued to be fine by some vets, but it is said to have zero nutritional value so it won’t be of any use even if the cat eats it. But as always, check with your vet.

Feeding raw dough is not feasible at all, the flour from the dough can cause stomach pain, and if the dough rises in the cat’s tummy, then you can expect problems with gas and painful problems in that area.


In conclusion, if you’re out of cat food and you’re worried about what you can feed your cat, there are plenty of options available.

You will most likely have at least a few of these options available in your kitchen.

For each food, you pick, make sure you consider the age, breed, and nature of the cat before deciding on what food to feed.

Discuss with your vet anything that you’re unsure about; it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Lastly, if a specific food does not suit your cat and you see symptoms of sickness, you should take it to the vet immediately for a check-up.

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