Should I Get A Male Or Female Maine Coon

Deciding to get a Maine Coon cat is an exciting decision, but before bringing a new feline friend into your home, it’s important to consider various factors. One crucial consideration is whether to choose a male or female Maine Coon. While both genders can make wonderful pets, there are a few differences between male and female Maine Coons that might influence your decision. In this article, we’ll explore the characteristics and considerations associated with both male and female Maine Coons to help you make an informed choice.

Male Maine Coons

  1. Size: Male Maine Coons tend to be larger than their female counterparts, both in terms of length and weight. On average, adult male Maine Coons can weigh between 13 to 18 pounds or more, and they often have a more substantial bone structure. If you’re specifically looking for a large, majestic cat, a male Maine Coon might be the right choice.
  2. Personality: Male Maine Coons are often described as more outgoing and sociable compared to females. They tend to be friendly, playful, and enjoy interacting with their human family members. Male Maine Coons are known for their affectionate nature and their desire to be involved in activities happening around them.
  3. Territorial Behavior: Male Maine Coons may display more territorial instincts, particularly if they haven’t been neutered. Unneutered males can mark their territory by spraying urine, especially when they’re in heat or if there are other cats nearby. However, neutering can significantly reduce or eliminate this behavior.

Female Maine Coons

  1. Size: While female Maine Coons are generally smaller in size compared to males, they can still reach an impressive weight of 8 to 12 pounds or more. However, their build is usually more refined, and they may have a more graceful appearance.
  2. Personality: Female Maine Coons are often described as more independent and reserved than males. They can be affectionate and playful but may exhibit a slightly more aloof demeanor. Female Maine Coons tend to bond closely with one or two individuals in the household and may be more selective with their attention.
  3. Heat Cycles: Female Maine Coons experience heat cycles, also known as estrus, which occur every few weeks during the breeding season. During this time, female cats become more vocal, may exhibit restlessness, and may try to escape to find a mate. Spaying your female Maine Coon can eliminate heat cycles and prevent potential unwanted pregnancies.

Considerations for Choosing a Gender

  1. Neutering or Spaying: If you’re not planning on breeding your Maine Coon, it’s generally recommended to have your cat spayed or neutered. This not only helps control the pet population but also reduces certain behaviors such as territorial marking or heat cycles.
  2. Personal Preference: Your personal preferences and lifestyle should also play a role in deciding the gender of your Maine Coon. Consider whether you have any preferences regarding size, personality traits, or specific behaviors associated with each gender.
  3. Individual Cat Personality: Remember that each cat, regardless of gender, has its unique personality. It’s essential to spend time with the cat you’re considering adopting to understand their temperament and determine whether they’re a good fit for your home and family.

Size and Weight Comparison

Maine CoonAverage Weight (Male)Average Weight (Female)Average Length (Male)Average Length (Female)
Small13-18 lbs (5.9-8.2 kg)8-12 lbs (3.6-5.4 kg)18-20 inches (45-50 cm)16-18 inches (40-45 cm)
Medium18-22 lbs (8.2-10 kg)10-14 lbs (4.5-6.3 kg)20-22 inches (50-55 cm)18-20 inches (45-50 cm)
Large22-26 lbs (10-11.8 kg)14-18 lbs (6.3-8.2 kg)22-24 inches (55-60 cm)20-22 inches (50-55 cm)

Personality Traits

Maine Coon Personality TraitsMaleFemale

Grooming Requirements

Grooming RequirementsMaleFemale
Coat Brushing Frequency2-3 times a week2-3 times a week
Coat LengthLongerLonger
MattingLess proneLess prone
Coat MaintenanceRequires regular maintenanceRequires regular maintenance

Health Considerations

Health ConsiderationsMaleFemale
Urinary Tract InfectionsMore proneLess prone
Mammary Gland TumorsN/A (Males are not at risk)Possible risk
Reproductive HealthN/A (Doesn’t apply to males)Heat cycles and breeding concerns
Overall Health and LifespanGenerally healthyGenerally healthy

Compatibility with Other Pets

Compatibility with Other PetsMaleFemale
Interactions with Other CatsVaries (Depends on individual)Varies (Depends on individual)
Interactions with DogsVaries (Depends on individual)Varies (Depends on individual)
Interactions with Small AnimalsVaries (Depends on individual)Varies (Depends on individual)
Territorial BehaviorVaries (Depends on individual)Varies (Depends on individual)
Socialization NeedsImportant to ensure compatibilityImportant to ensure compatibility

General Traits

TraitsMale Maine CoonFemale Maine Coon
SizeLarger, can weigh 13-18 lbsSmaller, can weigh 8-12 lbs
PersonalityMore playful and outgoingMore reserved and independent
DominanceTend to be more dominantLess dominant
VocalizationSlightly less vocalMore vocal
AggressionLess likely to be aggressiveSlightly more likely to be aggressive

Pros and Cons – Male

More affectionate and sociableCan be overbearing
Great with children and other petsTend to eat more (higher food cost)
Generally more playfulMay require more exercise to maintain weight
More likely to accept new petsCan become territorial
Larger size can be appealing to some ownersLarger size can be difficult for some owners to handle

Pros and Cons – Female

Independent and can be left alone for longer periodsMay not be as affectionate
Less food intake compared to malesCan be more vocal (could be a con for some)
Smaller size is easier to handleSmaller size may be less appealing to some
Usually more calm and less boisterousMight not get along as well with other pets
Generally more cautious and saferMay require more time to adjust to new family members

Common Health Issues

Health IssuesLikelihood in MalesLikelihood in FemalesAverage Treatment Cost
Hip DysplasiaHighHigh$1,500 – $3,000
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)HighHigh$500 – $1,200 per year
Spinal Muscular AtrophyLowLow$2,000 – $4,000
ObesityHigher in males due to larger appetiteLower in femalesCost of dietary management and possible related issues
Periodontal DiseaseSimilar in both gendersSimilar in both genders$400 – $800 per year

Average Costs

Cost FactorsMale Maine CoonFemale Maine Coon
Purchase Price$1,000 – $1,500$1,000 – $1,500
Annual Food Cost$500 – $600$400 – $500
Routine Vet Expenses$200 – $300$200 – $300
Grooming Costs$200 – $300 (due to larger size)$150 – $250
Neuter/Spay Cost$200 – $300$200 – $300

Additional Considerations

  1. Grooming: Maine Coons are known for their long, luxurious fur, and grooming is an important aspect of their care. Male Maine Coons tend to have thicker coats and might require more frequent brushing to prevent matting. Female Maine Coons, on the other hand, may have slightly less voluminous fur but still benefit from regular grooming. Consider your willingness to dedicate time to grooming when choosing a gender.
  2. Compatibility with Other Pets: If you have other pets at home, consider their genders and personalities when deciding on a male or female Maine Coon. In some cases, cats of the same gender may have conflicts or display territorial behaviors. However, every cat is unique, and proper introductions and gradual socialization can help mitigate any potential issues.
  3. Breeding Considerations: If you’re interested in breeding Maine Coons, you’ll need to carefully consider the gender of your chosen cat. Breeding requires knowledge, time, and dedication, and it’s important to have a thorough understanding of responsible breeding practices and genetics. If breeding is not a priority, it’s recommended to spay or neuter your Maine Coon to ensure their health and prevent contributing to overpopulation.
  4. Health Considerations: While there aren’t major gender-specific health concerns for Maine Coons, there are some conditions that can affect both males and females, such as hip dysplasia or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It’s crucial to provide regular veterinary care, regardless of your cat’s gender, and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to promote their overall well-being.
  5. Adoption Options: Keep in mind that when considering the gender of a Maine Coon, your options may be influenced by availability. There might be more male or female Maine Coons available for adoption at any given time, depending on the breeding or rescue organizations in your area. It’s essential to focus on finding a healthy, well-socialized cat rather than prioritizing a specific gender.


Are male Maine Coons more affectionate than females?

While male Maine Coons are often described as more outgoing and sociable, individual personality traits can vary. Some female Maine Coons can be just as affectionate as males, while some males may be more reserved. It’s important to spend time with the cat you’re considering to gauge their temperament and level of affection.

Will a female Maine Coon be more prone to behavioral issues during heat cycles?

Female Maine Coons can experience behavioral changes during heat cycles, including increased vocalization and restlessness. However, spaying your female Maine Coon will prevent these heat cycles and help mitigate potential behavioral issues.

Do male Maine Coons get along better with other cats compared to females?

The compatibility between cats depends more on individual personalities and proper introductions than on gender. Some male Maine Coons may be more territorial, while some females may be more accepting of other cats. It’s important to introduce cats slowly and provide appropriate socialization to ensure a harmonious environment.

Do male or female Maine Coons require more grooming?

Male Maine Coons often have thicker coats, which may require more frequent brushing to prevent matting. However, both genders benefit from regular grooming to maintain their beautiful fur. Establishing a grooming routine early on will help keep their coats in good condition.

Can I breed my male or female Maine Coon?

Breeding Maine Coons requires a deep understanding of genetics, responsible breeding practices, and dedication to the health and well-being of the cats. If you’re considering breeding, it’s important to research extensively, seek guidance from experienced breeders, and ensure you can provide a suitable environment for the kittens. Otherwise, it is generally recommended to spay or neuter your Maine Coon for their health and to prevent unwanted pregnancies.


Deciding between a male or female Maine Coon ultimately depends on your preferences and the specific characteristics you’re looking for in a cat. Both genders have their distinct qualities, and understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision. Consider the size, personality traits, territorial behaviors, and potential reproductive considerations associated with male and female Maine Coons before making your choice. Ultimately, the most important factor is finding a Maine Coon that fits well into your home and will bring you years of joy and companionship.

Should I Get A Male Or Female Maine Coon

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